Markus Butkereit
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Public Arena
Public Arena, Exhibition catalog
Release Date/ September 2013
Format/ 15 x 21 cm
Features/ 52 pages, digital print
Language/ Italian, English
Layout/ BR1
Publisher/ Artegiovane
Edition/ 1000 p.
Price/ free + shipping
Sponsored/ Regione Piemonte, Camera di commercio,
Industria, Artigianato e Agricoltura di Torino
Circoscrizione 6
Goethe Institut
Bagni di Publici di via Aglié
The catalog contains different work´s of the artists
and Texts from Roberta Pagani.
Artist´s/ BR1, Dott. Porka´s, Elfo, Fra.biancoshock,
The Wa, Gec, Markus Butkereit